New tri community in town

TriVRC logo

It’s not much of a club but rather a community.  Majority of the members are Vietnamese, however, they welcome all races, ages and genders.  Coaching is done through inspiration.   In other words, most workouts are led by members – the more experienced lead the newbies, coach others with your strength and learn back on your weakness.

There’s a weekly Saturday ride throughout the year.  Running and swimming are generally done individually.

Races and equipments’ cost are already too high, training and making new friends shouldn’t be.  I see a lot of clubs out there charge $100/month or $50/month for online training.  Wow…if you pay $100/month, you better podium every race.  I am in it for fun and personal satisfaction so the less I pay the better.

TriVRC is now online.  Their blog site is


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